Poisonous animals


Appreciation and Differentiation of Symptoms caused by Poisonous Animals


Honeybees, Wasps and Horets

  • Localized toxicity: Mild to severe pain , heat and swelling around the sting. The swollen area may be pinkish-red in colour.
  • Systemic toxicity: Severe pain ,excitement, systemic allergic reactions to life threatening anaphylaxis.. In severe cases in horses, there may be diarrhea, haemoglobinuria, jaundice, tachycardia and prostration.



  • Profuse and sometimes frothy salivation, vigorous head shaking, pawing at the mouth and retching. With more severe intoxication, cardiac arrhythmias, dyspnoea, cyanosis and convulsions are produced. Ventricular fibrillation precedes death heart failure.



  • After bitten by snake, animals become restless and excited, then become calm and depressed. Later in coordination of movement is followed by collapse. In some cases, animals recover completely in the ensuing 30 min and then again develop signs of envenomation. Typical pit viper bites are characterized marked discolouration of the tissues and dark bloody fluid may ooze from the fang wounds. The skin becomes cold, pupils are dilated and animals do not respond to external stimuli like pinching and pricking. This is followed by complete unconsciousness. Extensive local suppuration, sloughing and gangrene, and malignant oedema or tetanus may supervene or death may occur from septicaemia.
  • In elapine snakebites, pain and swelling are minimal but systemic neurological signs predominate. i.e muscular weakness developing into paralysis. In a bite from krait, violent abdominal pain and convulsions may precede death. In calves, the effects of the neurotoxin are manifested by marked papillary dilatations, excitement, incoordination and later paralysis. Death may occur from 20 min to 6 hours in elapine and within 2-4 days in viperine snake bite. However, if the venom is injected directly into a vein, death occur very soon.

Last modified: Friday, 29 October 2010, 10:45 AM