3.3.2 Structure of oligosaccharides

3.3.2 Structure of Oligosaccharide

Raffinose, also called melitose, is a trisaccharide  that is widely found in legumes and cruciferous vegetables, including beans, peas, cabbage, brussels,sprouts, and broccoli. It consists of galactose connected to sucrose via a α 1→6 glycosidic linkage. Humans cannot digest polysaccharides with this linkage and the trisaccharides are fermented in the large intestine by gas-producing bacteria.

Stachyose is a tetrasaccharide containing  glucose, fructose and two galactose units. It occurs in legumes and dry beans and peas.


         Structure of Oligosaccharide            

Last modified: Thursday, 10 November 2011, 6:24 AM