the Head Clear

Unit - 5 the Head Clear
This is actually a forehand overhead badminton clear played at the non-racket side of your body. Try to use it whenever play permits as a forehand stroke is always better and more accurate than a backhand.
The techniques for hitting these badminton clears are about the same as the forehand overhead clears with only some minor adjustments.

Here are some pointers for playing a forehand around the head clear.
  • Stand squarely to the net.
  • Bend your upper body sideways to your non-racket side as your arms come through.
  • Shift your weight to your non-racket leg.
  • Bend your elbow and bring the racket behind your head.
  • As you swing forward, your forearm will brush the top of your head before straightening.
  • Transfer your body weight rapidly as your non-racket leg pushes your body back to your base position.
  • An important thing to note here is that whether you are playing a badminton clear, a drop shot or a smash, your wrist plays a key part in creating deception.
  • The basic preparations for these badminton shots are the same, only the angle of the racket face, the speed of the racket head and the point of impact is different. Keep your opponent guessing.
Last modified: Saturday, 2 July 2011, 5:47 AM