Shake hands grip

Shake hands grip
The shake hands grip is the prevalent grip of table tennis used by the majority of recreational and professional players. The paddle is gripped with all fingers, with the thumb resting by itself on the opposite side as the index finger. The grip is analogous to shaking a hand at an approximately 45-degree angle. The pinky, ring, and middle finger wrap around one side of the handle, and the index finger rests on the bottom edge of the rubber. The thumb rests on the top of the handle on the other side, thumbnail perpendicular to the wood. It should point in the same direction as the index finger. When held out straight in front of you, the paddle's edge should form a line with the outstretched arm. The grip should feel natural, with no particularly uncomfortable areas. Too tight a grip can sacrifice control and power. Be sure to grab the handle loosely enough so that another person would have no trouble plucking it from your hand. But at the same time, maintain enough tightness so the paddle won't fly out of your hand during an intense loop shot.


Shakehands grip

Some of the advantages of using the shakehands grip are:

  • Equally strong forehand and backhand advantage(provided you pay equal attention to both)
  • Wide selection of paddles to choose from
Last modified: Tuesday, 20 July 2010, 9:14 AM