
Instructional Video Production 4(1+3)

Lesson 10: Video Production Process and Studio Procedures


Successful professionals consider this the most important phase of production. As the popular saying goes, in television production, if anything can go wrong, it will. Detailed planning is therefore the most important requirement. Pre-production involves detailed step by step working out of the production process that anticipates trouble spots and prevents them.
The process begins with the idea for a programme. It can come from a real situation, from reading, research or as a suggestion from someone. What ever the origins of the idea, the producer’s work begins with this.
The producer then goes on to get together a team that will help him execute the production – the director, script writer, assistant director, camerapersons, lighting director, audio director, music composer, set designer, production assistants, etc.

Producer/director team get the script developed based the idea. In case of larger productions, with the script in hand, several production meetings are held with the team members to discuss and explain various aspects of the production and what the director is trying to achieve.

The decisions for preparation taken at the production meetings such as set construction, lighting or location setting and sound design are executed by the team members to be reviewed and approved by the producer-director.
All preparation requires meticulous planning by way of informing all concerned the exact dates and times for reporting for shooting, listing equipment (which includes batteries for mics extension boards, connector cables, etc.) required, ensuring booking of studios/equipment, ensuring booking of vehicles, and so on. Any neglect of pre-production work can lead to loss of time and investment.

Pre-production work like preparation of the scripts, rehearsals with talent, completion of set construction, audio design and lighting design will lead into the actual production.
Simple and routine productions like news and current affairs programmes require quick assignment of roles and checking of studio requirements/preparedness in terms of appropriate seating, lighting, graphics, inserts etc.


Last modified: Monday, 23 April 2012, 10:30 AM