Chemistry of Vegetable crops


    • Vegetables play an important role in human nutrition supplying some of the materials, which other food materials are lacking.
    • Vegetables are important in neutralizing the acidity formed during digestion.
    • They also serve as roughages in human nutrition and thus helping digestion.
    • They are the important sources of minerals like Ca, P and Fe.
    • They also form an important source of vitamins, especially vitamin A.
    • Green and yellow vegetables like carrot, turnip, spinach, beans, etc. contain appreciable amounts of vitamin A.
    • Direct seed of beans, peas, and legumes contain appreciable amounts of proteins.
    • Vegetables also contain sufficient amounts of vitamin C and also appreciable quantities of thiamine, niacin and folic acid.
    • Tomatoes and potatoes contain fairly high amounts of vitamin C.

Last modified: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 10:56 AM