MORINGA (Moringa derifera)

    The composition of moringa is as follows:

    Moisture 75.0% Iodine 51 mg / kg
    Protein 6.7% Carotene 11.300 I.U
    Fat 1.7% Vitamin B1 210 mg / g
    CHO 13.4% Nicotinic acid 0.8 mg / 100 g
    Fibre 0.9% Ascorbic acid 220 mg / 100 g
    Mineral matter 2.3% Tocopherol 7.4 mg / 100 g
    Ca 440 mg / 100 g Fe 7.0 mg / 100 g
    P 70 mg / 100 g

    Leaf protein contains the following amino acids: (mg / 100 g N)

    Arginine 6.0 Methionine 2.0
    Histine 2.1 Threonine 4.9
    Lysine 4.3 Leucine 9.3
    Tryptophan 1.9 Isoleucine 6.3
    Phenylalanine 6.4 Valine 7.1

    Kernel of seed contains

    Moisture 4.0 %
    Crude protein 38.4 %
    Fatty oil 34.7 %
    Nitrogen free extract 16.4 %
    Fibre 3.5 %
    Mineral matter 3.2 %

    The fruits, leaves and flowers are used in culinary preparations. Immature fruits are cut into pieces and used in several culinary dishes after scraping of tough skin. The seed yields valuable oil known as ‘oil of ben’ valued by watchmakers for lubricating delicate machines.

Last modified: Wednesday, 30 May 2012, 5:11 AM