TOMATO (Solanum Lycopersicum )

    It is popularly praised vegetable commonly known as ‘Love apple’. The nutrient content / 100 g of tomato are as follows:
    Water 94.1%
    Protein 1.0%
    Fibre 0.6%
    Fat 0.3%
    Carbohydrate 4.0%


    Na 3 mg Fe 0.6 mg
    K 268 mg Cu 0.1 mg
    Ca 11 mg Mn 0.19 mg
    Mg 11 mg P 27 mg
    S 11 mg Cl 51 mg

    Vit. A 1100 IU
    Vit. C 23 mg
    Vit. E 0.27 mg
    Vit. B 0.2 mg
    Nicotinic acid 0.6 mg

    Sugar content is 1.85 – 4.27%.
    Acidity 4.2 - 10.2 mg of acid / 100 ml
    Ascorbic acid 20.9 - 22.5 mg / 100 g

    It is an excellent source of Vitamin C, so it is commonly known as poor man’s orange. It is popular salad vegetable. It is used for the preparation of soups, pickles, ketchups etc. Tomato juice is a popular appetizer and beverage.

Last modified: Wednesday, 30 May 2012, 5:10 AM