

  • Dill is propagated by seeds. The seeds are usually sown in March-April or in mid-October by drill or broadcast, in well-prepared land supplied with FYM @ 19 t/ha. The recommended seed rate is 3 kg/ha, sown in rows 60 cm apart and later thinned to a 30 cm spacing after about 30 days from sowing when they are 13 cm high. The seeds have a viability of about three years and take 7-9 days for germination, when sown during the month of October, with 96 to 98% germination. If the crop is sown late, the vegetative phase in reduced, which seriously lowers the yield of the seed crop. A spacing of 45 x 20 cm and sowing in lines 30 or 45 cm apart have also been found suitable for this crop.
Last modified: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 9:46 AM