

  • There are two types of fenugreek: (i) non-scented or desient-which is quick growing, upright and bears white flowers (ii) scented—a slow-growing plant which is mainly confined to North India. The salient features of the improved varieties of fenugreek are given below.
    RMt 1 (Prabha)
  • This is a pure line selection from the Nagpur local released in 1989. Its plants are semi-erect, tall and moderately branched with bold, typically yellow grains. It is moderately resistant to root-rot and tolerant to powdery mildew. It matures in 140-150 days with an average yield of 14.7 q/ha. The plants flower in 60 days.
    RMt 143
  • The grains of this variety are bold with a typical yellow colour. It is moderately resistant to powdery mildew. It takes 140-150 days to mature with an average yield of 16 q/ha. It is especially recommended for the heavier soils of the Chittor, Bhilwara, Jhalawar and Jodhpur areas.
  • This is a reselection from TG 2336 of IARI, released in 1982. Its plants are short and green with medium-sized, brownish-orange seeds. It is tolerant to root-rot. It matures in 95 days with an average yield of 6.80 q/ha. It is a quick-growing, dual-purpose type.
  • This hybrid was derived from the cross T8 x T36 and released for cultivation in Punjab in 1995. The variety has more pods, matures early and produces 18.9 and 18.2% higher grain and fodder yields, respectively, compared to T-8.
    Prabhat (NLM)
  • This is the most suitable variety for Gujarat and Rajasthan. It normally yields 15-20 q/ha, but under favourable conditions, it yields as high as 25-28 q/ha.
    Rajendra Kanti
  • This is a mass selection (RM 16) from the Reghunathpur germplasm released in 1987. Its plants are tall and bushy green with medium-sized, golden-yellow seeds and is moderately resistant to powdery mildew, caterpillar and aphids and Cescospora leaf-spot. It matures in 120 days with an average yield of 12.50 q/ha. The variety takes 45 days for flowering. It is suitable for inter-cropping in both the kharif and rabi seasons.
    Lam selection 1
  • This is a selection from the germplasm collected from Madhya Pradesh, released in 1992. Its plants are bushy, green, with medium-sized, golden-yellow seeds. It is tolerant to root-rot, powdery mildew, caterpillars and aphids. It matures in 90 days with an average yield of 7.40 q/ha. It is a dual-purpose, early maturing type and gives a high yield of greens. It takes 35 days to flower.
    Hissar Sonali
  • The plants of this variety are bushy, semi-erect with bold, yellow, attractive grains. It is moderately resistant to the leaf-spot and root-rot complex of diseases. It matures in 140-150 days with an average yield of 19.0 q/ha.
    HM 103
  • The plants of this variety are bushy, semi-erect with bold, yellow, attractive seeds. It is moderately resistant to the leaf-spot disease. It matures in 140-150 days with an average yield of 20.1 q/ha.
    HM 57
  • This variety is late maturing and is recommended for cultivation in Haryana. It gives an yield of 16.0 q/ha. The other high-yielding varieties released under AICRPS are Gujarat Methi-1, RMt 303, CO-2, UD-44, Pusa Early Bunching, Rajendra Khushaba, UM 34, UM 35 and Pant Ragini. UM-34 and UM-35 are found resistant to the root knot nematode and UD-44 is completely free from the stem gall disease. The mutant lines SPS 22, SPS 23 and SPS 27 have been found to be free from powdery mildew. The genotypes UM-94 and UM-98 are suitable for cultivation in saline conditions. The total fenugreek germplasm accessions collected, evaluated and being conserved is 944.
Last modified: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 10:41 AM