Problems of Role Functioning

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 11 : Roles and Responsibilities of Community

Problems of Role Functioning

Parent-Child Network
Most of the children live in a reasonably well-established family group, in which both parents and children are effectively discharging their respective role requirements. Child welfare services are those services required when parents or children are either incapable of implementing or unwilling to implement their respective role requirements or when serious discrepancy arises between the role expectations of the community and the individual’s performance. We can categorize recurrent problems of role implementation and fulfillment that might require the intervention of child welfare social work services.

  1. Parental role unoccupied
  2. Parental Incapacity
  3. Role rejection
  4. Intra role conflict
  5. Inter role conflict
  6. Child incapacity or handicap
  7. Deficiency of community resources
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 November 2012, 10:32 PM