Programmes for Rural Youths

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 20 : Welfare Programmes for Adolescents

Programmes for Rural Youths

As a part of the programme of community development, rural communities are helped to organize rural youth clubs known as ‘Yuvak Mandals’. Which concentrate on

  1. Programmes of Agricultural and allied fields such as utilization of new agricultural technology and animal husbandry including calf – rearing, kitchen – gardening, poultry keeping, pest control etc.
  2. Programmes of economic activities such as industries, spinning, tailoring, embroidery, food preservation and projects of self – employment.
  3. Community services village sanitation, social service etc.
  4. Children’s recreation
  5. General recreational and cultural activities like running of libraries and reading rooms, Bhajan Mandals etc.
Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 8:45 AM