Decorative Accessories

Fundamentals of Art and Design 3(1+2)


Decorative Accessories

The objects in an interior that cannot be described as having a "real" function and are exclusively used enhance beauty are described as decorative accessories. These must be considered fully at the beginning of conceptual thinking, not added on at the end. Their number, shape, size, and color must blend with other interiors and space. Organizing functional and decorative objects is similar to organizing other components as they impart color, pattern and texture to interiors. The manner in which a designer arranges such components can add beauty dignity, identity and comfort also. Few are listed as follows

  1. Pictures, Decorative textiles and others
  2. Fine art
  3. Murals
  4. Birds
  5. Aquariums
Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 12:05 PM