The relevant terms in this chapter are identified and defined below.
A decision may be defined simply as a choice among alternatives or as selection of and commitment to a course of action. All alternatives need not be evaluated simultaneously. Some may become available at different times. In selecting a marriage partner or purchasing a house, individual may reject alternatives on the basis of previously established standards. If on the other hand only one course of action is possible and if the individual is forced to take this action, no decision has been made.
Decision making process:
The decision making is a process consisting of the activities which lead up to or result in the choice of an alternative or the commitment to a course of action. The process is not, however, a rigid set of steps. The decision maker, whether an individual or a group, may skip back and forth among the activities, may emphasize one more than another at different times or with different kinds of decisions, and may repeat some activities several times before finally committing himself to a course of action.
An alternative:
An alternative is one of a set of elements each capable of fulfilling a common objective in some degree, but each resulting in somewhat different consequences
Decision situation:
No decision is made in a vacuum; hence the decision situation or "the real field of choice" is an important factor in any decision. It consists of the tangible and intangible, the animate or inanimate surroundings of the decision maker. Nevertheless, the decision maker's perceived field of action is always more restricted than the decision situation and his information field may' include false information or perceptions which will influence decision
Decision making has a specific role in your management. Through effective decision making you are better able to attain your desired quality of life. You do this through recognition of the role decision making plays in effective management. Effective management means you not only recognize the role of decision making but also the extent to which your decisions affect not only you but others.
People decide on goals, standards, resource allocation, sequences of action, or needed changes in view of the important values in their lives. These managerial decisions are interrelated because of their focus on goal attainment. Hence, knowledge and skills in decision making affect goal attainment and influence quality of life.