Individual factors

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Individual factors

  1. Age: every age group has specific physical, social, psychological and emotional characteristics that regulate individual’s choices for garments. These choices affect the utilization of available funds for purchasing the required items. For example, the working males have different clothing requirements as compared to young and old males owing to differences in activities and roles they have to perform.

  2. Sex: the clothing items and accessories required by males and females are different and of varying costs. It also affects the utilization of the funds for purchasing the clothing items.

  3. Personality/ value/ interests: all these affect the choices for the garments in a specific age group. For example, a person with beautiful features, economic values, artistic nature have distinct attitude towards clothing; he will choose the items more critically rather than purchasing the clothing items impulsively. Thus clothing expenditure will vary.

  4. Activities: a person involved in different activities and associated with different groups will require more variety in his wardrobe. Thus he will require more budget overall and the budget for each garment category will get restricted.

  5. Occupation: Certain occupations require use of specific type of garments other than regular casual and formal garments and accessories. This causes more stress on the clothing budget of a working individual as compared to other individuals.
Last modified: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 1:09 PM