Distinguishing wants from needs

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Distinguishing wants from needs

Needs refer to the choices for the things that are essential or the basic requirements, such as food, clothing, home, medical coverage, and others.

Wants refer to the choices that are not essential but are desired for enhancing the quality of goods to be used, such as separate clothes for different activities, etc. These desires are made out of surplus funds after all other obligations have been met.

After preparing the inventory and grouping the clothes, one has to establish the needs as follows:

  • occasions one have to attend
  • activities one is involved in
  • role and status at work place and in the community
  • personality one has
  • values acquired

This further involves determination of the following on the basis of assessment of existing clothing:

  • the different characteristics of garments that make them pleasing, useful and proper for you
  • the range of garments and accessories needed for ones routine
  • the garments that require mending/renovation
  • the garments that need disposal
  • the diverse utility of accessories

The determination of the needs and wants enables to identify the lacuna in existing wardrobe and future purchases have to focus more on the established needs.

Last modified: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 1:59 PM