Wardrobe inventory chart

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Wardrobe inventory chart

Inventory refers to the list of garments; description of their characteristics and value. It can help set up priorities of garments on the basis of their suitability for different occasions and activities. The existing wardrobe thus provides for beginning of a purchase plan that will supply the variety of garments needed to fulfill individual’s requirements. The wearing cost of a garment depends on number of times it is worn. A garment thus purchased after proper planning will have lower wearing cost as compared to those purchased impulsively that do not last for long and do not go with anything else and become non wearable very soon, only wasting the closet space.

An inventory can help us establish about:

  • our activities / roles
  • existing wardrobe status
  • the items required for building an effective wardrobe
Last modified: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 1:42 PM