Basic guidelines for building a useful wardrobe

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Basic guidelines for building a useful wardrobe

  1. The wardrobe should have garments of classic style. Such garments save money and space owing to their limited number and reusability. Such garments also express individual’s creativity. They can be used for many seasons as they are unaffected or least affected by fashion. Classic and simple styles are easy to be used pleasantly along with fashionable accessories or hemline adjustments.
  2. Wardrobe should have different accessories that can be used easily with varied types of garments to produce diversity. Accessories go with and integrate more easily with simple basic garments as compared to the garments with extreme styles. This is because the simple, typical outlines and versatile fabrics in moderate colour make effective backgrounds to balance smaller fashion highlights.
  3. The luxurious, costly and exclusive dresses in the wardrobe such as coats, dresses and suits should be their simple in their style, texture and colour. By this they offer better usefulness by being used for different seasons and occasions. More extreme styles in such costly dresses restrict their use only to particular events and ceremonies.
  4. The traditional dresses, in most cultures, consist of more than one garment. For example, Indian sarees are worn with choli (blouse) and petticoat (skirt), suit consists of shirt, salwar /churidar pyjama and outfits in western cultures use a huge assortment of separate garments. These multiple pieces of a dress provide opportunity for mixing and matching. Thereby one can make best use of different ensembles by developing new combinations resulting in numerous appearances. Thus an individual’s requirements reduces for garments, their cost and storage space.
  5. The garments in the wardrobe should have variety of colour, texture and contours. This enables better coordination of different pieces of a dress to get harmonious outlook in a dress. The repetition of any element of dress creates monotonous effect and blending of garments becomes unexciting.
  6. The garments in a wardrobe of an individual should fulfill the structural, functional and decorative needs of the individual. This enables to get maximum service from the garments.
  7. The garments comprising the wardrobe should be of good quality both in terms of design and workmanship. The quality garments in fewer quantity offer better combination possibilities and are durable enough to continue for more number of seasons.
  8. The knowledge of the effects of elements and principles of visual design in dress and a sense of style in a specific culture helps to select garments that appears appropriate as per occasion, in different cultures and climates.

Planning of wardrobe

There are two ways to plan a wardrobe:

  1. Prepare an inventory of existing wardrobe and then decide on what further garments are needed as per activities.
  2. Consider the activities first and then decide about the garments needed for them; followed by analysis of garments present in the closet to find out whether garments available are suitable for these activities or not.
Last modified: Friday, 16 March 2012, 8:12 AM