Choosing the accessories

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Choosing the accessories

Accessories refer to the items worn with a garment as supplementary item. They are both decorative as well as functional. Some of the accessories are functional and others the decorative. Also some accessories are essential while others are optional.

Functional accessories include shoes, purses, hats, sunglasses, watches, gloves, etc.

Decorative accessories include jewellery, handbags, stoles, ties, scarves, etc.

Essential accessories include shoes, socks, etc.

Optional accessories include jewellery, hats, stoles, gloves, ties, etc.

However, the utility of different accessories also depends upon different factors like the culture and geographic location besides personal needs and wants.

An individual requires to establish from the prepared wardrobe inventory which accessories are available, the versatility of it in use i.e., becomingness with different basic and fashion garments and suitability for different occasions. This enables an individual to choose the accessories that need to be purchased based on personal likings for different activities and the occasions one has to be a part of.

Last modified: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 2:06 PM