Types of spraying based on the spray application rate


  • Based on the spray application rate there are three types of spraying
    • High volume spraying: More than 150 l/ha of spray liquid is applied. This technique is biologically effective but economically expensive, time as well labour consuming. With high volume spraying the drops are larger, complete coverage of crop canopy is achieved, excessive run off occur and less danger of damage from spray drifting to the neighbouring crops. Insecticides, fungicides and herbicides are sprayed by this technique. Lever operated knapsack sprayer and tractor mounted boom sprayer come under this category.
    • Low volume (LV) spraying: Spray volume ranges from 10 to 150 l/ha. Sprayers designed for low volume work is relatively light and cheap, require less amount of water, have high rate of work and low labour cost. Insecticides and fungicides are sprayed by this method. Motorised knapsack sprayer and aircraft sprayer are low volume sprayers.
    • Ultra low volume (ULV) spraying: Less than 10 l/ha is applied. The chemical is undiluted or in more concentrated form.
Last modified: Wednesday, 3 August 2011, 9:42 AM