Immunoperoxidase test (IPT)


  • Used to detect antigen in tissue sections. Similar to immunofluorescence test or direct or indirect ELISA.
  • Here enzyme labeled immunoglobulin is used and the chromogenic substrate is DAB.
  • Positive reactions indicated by presence of brown deposit at site of antigen.


IPT - Brown colourĀ  in the cytoplasm indicates positive reaction

  • Unlike in FAT, this deposition can be visualized by light microscopy and paraffine embedded and resin embedded sections can be used.
  • Horse raddish peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase are the enzymes most often used.
  • A disadvantage is that endogenous peroxidase present in the cells may produce false positives.
Last modified: Tuesday, 17 April 2012, 9:54 AM