Hock, metatarsal and digital region

(Hock, Metatarsal and Digital Region)

Hock region

  • Dorsal aspect: Observe continuation of superficial and deep peritoneal nerves and continuation of anterior tibial artery as dorsal metatarsal artery
  • Plantar aspect: Appreciate tarsal canal formed by plantar tarsal and plantar annular ligaments, medial and lateral plantar nerves

Metatarsal region

  • Dorsal aspect: Superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexor and suspensory ligament like in forelimb
  • Lower part consists of lateral and medial plantar abaxial digital nerves, lateral and medial plantar metatarsal arteries

Digital region

  • Dorsal aspect: Tendons of extensors, dorsal common digital nerves and proper digital nerves, dorsal common digital artery and proper digital arteries, synovial sheaths, lateral and medial dorsal abaxial digital nerves
  • Plantar aspect: Tendons of flexors, synovial sheaths, medial and lateral plantar abaxial digital nerves, plantar common digital nerve and proper digital nerves, plantar common digital artery from distal plantar arch and proper digital arteries
Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 8:21 AM