Hip and thigh

(Hip and thigh Region)

Illustration - I

Illustration - II

  • Lateral aspect : Tensor fascia latae, biceps femoris, gluteus medius ( gluteus accessories – a shining part ), gluteus profundus, prefemoral lymph node under cover of tensor fascia latae, sacrosciatic ligament, greater sciatic foramen, lesser sciatic foramen
  • Anterior gluteal nerve, sciatic nerve, anterior and posterior gluteal arteries, ischiatic lymphnode under cover of biceps femoris muscular canal carrying sciatic nerve which is bounded laterally by biceps femoris and semitendinosus, medially by semimembranosus and adductor
  • Appreciate branches of sciatic nerve i.e., slender muscular branch, short muscular branch, large muscular branch, posterior cutaneous nerve and peroneal nerve
  • Observe anterior group muscles – quadriceps femoris (vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and vastus intermedius)
  • Medial aspect : The muscles are in 3 layers
    • 1st Layer : Sartorius, gracilis (most medial muscle of the thigh)
    • 2nd Layer : Pectineus, adductor, semimembranosus.
    • 3rd Layer : Obturator externus & internus, gemellus and quadratus femoris
  • Femoral canal : is a muscular canal bounded in front by the sartorius, behind by pectineus, laterally by the iliopsoas and vastus medialis and medially by the gracilis
  • Upper opening of the canal is the femoral ring bounded in front by the Poupart’s ligament
  • This canal lodges the femoral artery, vein, saphenous artery, vein and nerve
  • This canal terminates below the lower part of the insertion of the pectineus
  • Appreciate external iliac artery and its branches i.e., circumflex iliac and common trunk (shows prepubic and posterior abdominal branches)

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Last modified: Monday, 21 March 2011, 4:48 AM