Fore limb - Arm and fore arm region

(Arm and Fore arm region)

  • Arm region
    • Observe biceps brachii, medial, lateral and long heads of triceps, anconeus, brachialis, brachial artery, collateral ulnar and collateral radial arteries, median nerve, ulnar nerve, radial nerve and its branches to triceps, musculocutaneous branch of median nerve
  • Fore arm region
    • Dorsolateral aspect : Observe extensor carpi radialis, medial digital extensor, common digital, extensor, lateral digital extensor, extensor carpi obliqus, ulnaris lateralis (flexor) and radial nerve and collateral radial artery supplying to all extensors, dorsal interosseus artery under periosteum in radioulnar groove
    • Volar aspect (Posteriomedial) : Observe pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexor (radial, humeral, ulnar heads), median artery, median nerve and their branches to the most of the flexors, radial artery, ulnar artery, ulnar nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of the fore arm

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Last modified: Thursday, 9 February 2012, 10:17 AM