Shoulder girdle and shoulder region

(Shoulder girdle and Shoulder region)

Shoulder girdle region

  • Observe  brachiocephalicus (the origin and insertion can act as vice versa), omotransversarius (observe prescapular lymphnode under cover of this muscle), trapezius, rhomboideus, serratus ventralis with serratus cervicis and thoracis divisions, which is suspending the trunk between two fore limbs, and superficial and deep pectorals.

Shoulder region

    • Subscapularis, teres major (axillary lymphnode is present at the lower part of this muscle) and coracobrachialis
    • Observe brachial artery and loop, brachial vein, suprascapular artery, subscapular artery and its branches, brachial plexus and its branches to different muscles of the shoulder
    • Observe the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoideus, teres minor and termination of posterior circumflex artery of humerus, axillary and suprascapular nerves
    • Observe various tendons and muscles covering the shoulder joint on all sides since no special ligaments are present which minimizes dislocation  

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Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 8:22 AM