Carpal, metacarpal and digital region

(Carpal, Metacarpal and Digital region)

Carpal region

  • Carpal canal bounded infront by volar capsular ligament and volar annular ligament behind
  • Through this canal deep division of the superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexor, median nerve and ulnar artery pass

Metacarpal region

  • Dorsal aspect: Tendons of medial, common and lateral digital extensors and radial nerve and its continuation as dorsal common digital nerve in lower part
  • Volar aspect: Appreciate tendons of superficial and deep digital flexors, suspensory ligament with anterior division (6 bands), posterior division (two bands) continuation of ulnar artery as volar common digital artery.

Digital region

  • Dorsal aspect: Tendons of medial, lateral and common digital extensors, synovial sheaths, medial and lateral abaxial digital nerves, dorsal common digital nerve and proper digital nerves
  • Volar aspect: Superficial and deep digital flexor tendons, synovial sheath, volar common digital nerve and proper digital nerves, volar common digital artery and proper digital arteries
Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 8:24 AM