Ornamental plants used in aquariums


  • Among different species of aquatic plants, some of them could be used to beautify ornamental fish tanks. These plants offer biological and biochemical benefits to the ornamental fishes. Some species of aquatic plants serve as good substrata for spawning purposes especially for the egg laying fish species.
  • The aquatic plants are submerged plants. Floating plants like Lemna minor, Salvina sp., Azolla filiculodies, Riccia flutans, Najas sp. and Pistia sp. mask the surface waters and are useful to gouramis for building their nests. They also prevent heating of water especially during hot days.
Water sprite Indian fern

Water sprite
(Cabomba aquatic)

Indian fern
(Ceratopeteris thalictroides)

Last modified: Saturday, 2 June 2012, 5:46 AM