Glycine dilutor


Prepared by Knoop and Krano (1944).
  • Knoop and Krano (1944) evolved a dilutor for bull semen with the following composition
S.No. Components Quantity
1 Glycine 1.09%
2 Sodium phosphate 0.20%
3 Potassium phosphate 0.08%
  • Equal volumes of buffer and egg yolk are mixed.
  • Roy and Bishop (1954) used equal parts of egg yolk and 4% glycine solution. This dilutor is inferior for buffalo semen preservation.
  • This dilutor is not used even for the bull semen for the reason that it affects the morphology of spermatozoa particularly the acrosome is damaged and the fertility is poor (Strom, 1956 and Mukherjee and Dott, 1960).


Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 11:30 AM