Egg yolk citrate extender (EYC)


Salisbury et al. (1941) evolved egg yolk citrate dilutor which has become popular for diluting and preservation of bull and buffalo bull semen.

S.No. Components Quantity
1 Sodium citrate dihydrate 2.9 gm
2 Distilled water 100 ml
  • Equal parts of this buffer and egg yolk are mixed.
  • Swanson (1949) observed good results by mixing 3 parts of this buffer and one part of egg yolk.
  • Subsequent works identified that 20 per cent egg yolk is satisfactory.

EYC dilutor presents very clear film of semen under microscope.

  • This dilutor is widely used for the preservation of bull and buffalo bull semen up to 72 hours.
  • This is the basic extender from which various new extenders developed.
  • The citrate available in this diluent is chelating agent and it disperses the fat globules of the egg yolk and improves visibility when examined under microscope.


Last modified: Wednesday, 6 June 2012, 2:46 PM