Illini variable temperature (IVT) diluent


Van Demark and Sharma has evolved this diluent during 1957 at the University of Illinois, USA.

  • They could preserve semen at room temperature with the help of carbon dioxide gas.
  • Co2 temporarily immobilizes spermatozoa and thus reduces their metabolism.
  • The composition of IVT dilutor
S.No. Composition Quantity
1 Sodium citrate dehydrate 2.000 gm
2 Sodium bicarbonate 0.210 gm
3 Glucose 0.300 gm
4 Potassium chloride 0.040 gm
5 Sulphanilamide 0.300 gm
6 Distilled water To make the volume up to 100 ml
  • The above contents are dissolved in boiling double/triple glass distilled water.
  • It is cooled to room temperature and is saturated with carbon dioxide by bubbling the gas through it for ten minutes or until the pH reaches to 6.3.
  • Egg yolk is mixed at 10 per cent level and then antibiotics are added. Then the semen is ampouled and sealed.
  • Before placing the ampoules must be flushed with CO2.
  • Semen ampoules are maintained best at room temperature of 20 to 25oC and can be stored up to 6 days with 76 per cent fertility on non return basis. Ulaganathan (1970) reported that ascorbic acid supplementation (20 mg/100 ml) to the IVT diluent significantly improved the keeping quality of buffalo sperm stored at 21-31oC.
  • Use of CO2 for semen preservation is more useful at places where semen is collected daily, so that semen may be dispatched without refrigeration.
  • For longer storage of semen this method does not appear satisfactory.

IVT diluent can be used to store the semen for 3-6 days at room temperature.


Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 12:44 PM