Egg yolk phosphate extender (EYP)


Philips and Lardy (1940) developed this dilutor.


S.No. Components Quantity
1 Disodium hydrogen phosphate 2.0 gm
2 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.2 gm
3 Distilled water 100 ml
  • Equal parts of this buffer solution and egg yolk are mixed together to constitute the dilutor.
  • This dilutor preserves bull semen for 72 to 96 hours and buffalo semen for an average of 48-72 hours.
  • In this dilutor, visibility of sperm motility was not very clear when examined under microscope.

The visibility of sperm is not clear in this diluent because of the interference from phosphate.

  • In field tests this extender provided good fertility.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 11:30 AM