Equilibration of semen


Equilibration or pre-freeze storage of semen. It is done at cold handling cabinet at 5oC.

  • This is the pre-freeze storage period of spermatozoa in the diluent at +5°C.
  • This equilibration period is given for the glycerol to bring about its beneficial action on the spermatozoa.
  • The equilibration is done in cold handling cabinet (CHC) box.
  • The straws are placed over freezing racks and kept inside the CHC box.
  • Normally equilibration period of 4 hours for cattle bull semen and 3 hours for buffalo bull semen is sufficient.

Equilibration period - Cattle semen- 4 hours; buffalo semen - 3 hours.

  • At the end of equilibration period the pre-freeze motility is recorded.
  • Samples showing more than 60-70 per cent motility are taken, for ‘Test freezing’.

Test freezing is done at the end of equilibration period. Samples with 60-70% motility in test freezing will be taken for final freezing in bio-freezer.

  • Test freezing is done for 2-3 straws for each sample, frozen in liquid nitrogen vapour and plunged in liquid nitrogen.
  • After few minutes the revival rate is determined and satisfactory samples are taken up for filling and further processing.

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Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 11:21 AM