Topic Name Description
Topic 1 Page Definition
Page Effects of under nutrition in different age groups
Page Causes for under nutrition
Page References
Topic 2 Page Introduction
Page Objectives of Nutritional Assessment
Page Methods of Nutritional Assessment
Page Nutritional Anthropometry
Page Significance and measurement techniques
Page Weight
Page Height assessment
Page Head and Chest circumference
Page Waist-Hip ratio circumference ratio (WHR)
Page Soft Tissues: Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC)
Page Body fat
Page References
Topic 3 Page Introduction
Page Standards
Page Presentation of growth data
Page Indicators of Nutritional status
Page Advantages of Anthropometry
Page References
Topic 4 Page Introduction
Page Clinical changes in different parts of body
Page Face
Page Eyes
Page Tongue
Page Teeth
Page Glands
Page Skin
Page Nails
Page Subscutaneous Tissues
Page Muscular and Skeletal Systems
Page Muscular and Skeletal Systems
Page Guide to the interpretation of Groupings of clinical signs
Page Rapid clinical surveys
Page Interpretations of signs in relation to Nutrient deficiencies
Page References
Topic 5 Page Introduction
Page Functional Biochemical Measurements
Page Collection of Blood samples
Page Assessment of protein status
Page Biochemical methods for assessing nutritional status of vitamins and minerals
Page Biophysical or Radiological Measurements
Page References
Topic 6 Page Introduction
Page Purpose of Diet Survey
Page Types of dietary Surveys
Page Methods of Diet Survey
Page National level
Page Institutional level
Page Household level
Page Oral Questionnaire (24 hour recall)
Page Measuring food consumption of individuals
Page 24 hour recall method and Weighment method
Page Food records
Page Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ)
Page References
Topic 7 Page Introduction
Page Mortality rate
Page Morbidity rates
Page Vital statistics
Page References
Topic 8 Page Introduction and definition
Page Classification of PEM
Page Effects of PEM
Page Prevalance of protein energy malnutrition
Page Aetiology
Page Measures to combat protein Energy Malnutrition
Page References
Topic 9 Page Introduction
Page Vitamin A Deficiency
Page Prevalence and Magnitude
Page Aetiology
Page Determination of public health significance of VAD
Page Treatment
Page Strategies to combat
Page References
Topic 10 Page Introduction
Page Prevalence
Page Types of Anemia
Page Consequences of anemia
Page Aetiology
Page Diagnosis
Page Prevention
Page References
Topic 11 Page Introduction
Page Prevalence
Page Aetiology
Page Effects of IDD
Page Classification of Goiter severity (WHO/UNICEF, 1994) with signs and symptoms
Page Epidemiological Assessment
Page Strategies to combat
Page References
Topic 12 Page United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Page World Health Organization (WHO)
Page Food And Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Page Cooperative American Relief Everywhere (CARE)
Page References
Topic 13 Page Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
Page Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
Page National Institute of Nutrition (NIN)
Page National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau (NNMB)
Page Food and Nutrition Board (FNB)
Page Nutrition Foundation of India (NFI)
Page Reference
Topic 14 Page Introduction
Page Nutrition programmes in India under different sectors of Indian Government
Page National nutrition programmes
Page Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme
Page Mid-day meal program
Page Indirect nutrition programmes
Page References
Topic 15 Page Definition
Page Types of Adulteration
Page Intentional adulteration
Page Incidental adulteration
Page Food laws and standards
Page Mandatory or regulatory acts
Page Voluntary standards and certification system
Page References
Topic 16 Page Definition
Page Importance of Nutrition Education
Page Objective of nutrition education
Page Nutrition Education methods
Page Reference