Topic 1 |
Origin of Extension |
Definitions: |
Concepts of Extension |
The basic concept of Extension as education |
The concept of Extension as educational process |
The concept of Salesmanship |
Topic 2 |
Types of education |
Difference between formal education and extension education |
References |
Topic 3 |
Introduction: |
Meaning |
Definitions |
Need |
Goals |
Philosophy |
References |
Topic 4 |
Broad objectives |
Transition in Home science education |
The objectives of each discipline are given below. |
Foods and Nutrition: |
Resource Management and Consumer Sciences: |
Human Development and Family Studies: |
Apparel and Textiles |
References |
Topic 5 |
Concept – Traditional vs factual |
Home Science colleges in Agricultural Universities in India |
References |
Topic 6 |
Introduction |
Professional Skills |
Career opportunities |
Self- Employment opportunities in organized and private sector |
References |
Topic 7 |
Introduction |
Strength of integration between areas of Home Science with reasoning |
References |
Topic 8 |
General Objectives of Extension |
Scope of Extension Education |
Importance of Extension Education |
Role of Home Science Extension |
Topic 9 |
Introduction |
Philosophy of Extension Education |
Principles of Extension |
Principles of extension in brief |
According to Horton the four great principles underlying extension services are |
References |
Topic 10 |
Meaning |
Scope of Rural Sociology: |
Essentials of rural sociology |
Importance of the study of rural sociology: |
Difference between rural, urban and tribal society |
References |
Topic 11 |
Basic concept of Rural Sociology |
The Family as a Functional Unit |
Categorization of families |
References |
Topic 12 |
Group |
Characteristic features of groups |
Factors in organizing groups |
Classification of groups |
Community |
Society |
Functional elements of Society |
References |
Topic 13 |
Socialization |
Social system |
Social stratification |
Social interaction |
References |
Topic 14 |
Social Institutions |
Basic social institutions |
Religion |
Government |
Economy |
Education |
Culture |
Characteristics of culture |
Implications of culture |
Values and beliefs |
Social control |
Social roles |
References |
Topic 15 |
Introduction |
Pre-Independence Programmes |
Rural development efforts of Pre- Independence |
Objectives |
Activities |
Areas and Method of work |
References |
Topic 16 |
Introduction |
Pre-Independence Programmes |
Post-Independence Programmes |
Community Development and National Extension Scheme |
Intensive Agricultural programmes - 1960 on wards |
References |
Topic 17 |
Gurgaon Experiment |
Objectives |
Area of work |
Method of work |
Gandhian Constructive Programme |
Objectives |
Activities |
Method of work |
References |
Topic 18 |
Rural Reconstruction Work by Christian Mission |
Marthandum Project |
References |
Topic 19 |
Rural Reconstruction Movement in Baroda State |
State Rural Development Programme |
Firka Development Programme |
Method of work |
References |
Topic 20 |
Nilokheri Experiment |
Grow More Food Campaign |
Grow-More-Food Enquiry Committee Report |
Recommendations |
References |
Topic 21 |
Etawah Pilot Project |
Indian Village Service (I.V.S.) |
References |
Topic 22 |
History |
Meaning&Fields |
Organizational concept |
Integration&Conversion |
Objectives |
Essentials of Community development |
Types of Community Development programmes |
References |
Topic 23 |
Introduction |
Stages in Community development programme |
Failures |
National Extension Service (N.E.s.) |
Objectives&Characteristics |
Panchayati Raj System |
Agricultural Universities |
References |
Topic 24 |
Green Revolution |
Intensive Agricultural Area Programme (IAAP) |
High Yielding Varieties Programme |
The salient features of HYVP were |
References |
Topic 25 |
Small and Marginal Farmers Development Programme |
Marginal farmers and agricultural labourers (MFAL) scheme |
Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP) |
Objectives |
Weaknesses |
References |
Topic 26 |
Training and Visits System (T&V) |
The T & V Extension System |
Organization structure of the T&V system |
Organizational chart of T&V System |
Key features |
Limitations |
References |
Topic 27 |
National Demonstration Project (NDP) |
Salient features of NDP |
Operational Research Project (ORP) |
ORP for Tribal Areas |
Front Line Demonstration |
On-Farm Testing |
References |
Topic 28 |
Lab to Land Programme |
National Agricultural Research Project(NARP) |
National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) |
Objectives |
Under NATP |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) |
The important objectives of NAIP |
Key Components of NAIP |
References |
Topic 29 |
Technology Assessment and Refinement |
Institutional Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) |
Objectives |
Methodology of implementation |
Agricultural Technology & Information Centre (ATIC) |
References |
Topic 30 |
Introduction |
Meaning |
Concept |
Objectives |
Aims |
References |
Topic 31 |
Functions of Extension education in Rural Development |
Dimensions of rural development |
References |
Topic 32 |
Livelihood Scenario and Evolution of Rural Development Programmes |
Outcomes of Rural development programmes |
The five assets in rural development programme |
References |
Topic 33 |
Introduction |
General constraints |
Process Constraints |
Product constraints |
References |
Topic 34 |
History of Panchayat Raj |
73rd Constitutional mendment |
Financial Powers of Panchayati Raj Institutions |
Eleventh schedule article 243 G |
References |
Topic 35 |
Organizational structure |
Structure of panchayat raj |
Functions of PRIs |
Zilla Parishad – District level |
References |
Topic 36 |
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme (icds org’l chart) |
Integrated Child Development Scheme |
Objectives of ICDS |
Services |
Target Groups & Service Provider |
References |
Topic 37 |
Supplementary Nutrition |
Supplementary Nutrition Norms |
Pre-School Education |
Immunization |
Health Check-ups |
Referral Services |
Nutrition and Health Education |
References |
Topic 38 |
Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana |
Strategy |
Social Mobilization of the poor |
Activity Clusters - Planning and Selection |
Target Group selection |
References |
Topic 39 |
Financial Assistance of SGSY |
Training of Swarozgaris |
Infrastructure Development |
Special Projects under the SGSY |
Implementing Agencies |
References |
Topic 40 |
National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme |
Features of NREG Scheme |
Salient Features of NREG Act |
Major activities under NREGA |
Manner of execution |
Implementation of the act |
References |
Topic 41 |
Components of Bharat Nirman |
Rural Water Supply |
Rural Roads |
Irrigation |
Telephone Connections |
Rural Electrification |
Rural Housing |
Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) |
References |
Topic 42 |
Introduction |
Importance |
Objectives |
Salient Features |
Working process |
Goals&Linkage mechanism |
Organizational set up |
References |
Topic 43 |
History |
Organizational Structure |
The mandate |
Mile Stones |
References |
Topic 44 |
State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) |
Thrust Areas |
Activities of SAUs |
Paradigm of SAUs |
References |
Topic 45 |
Regional Agricultural research Stations |
Following are activities of RARS |
Lead activity |
Agro Climatic Zone in Andhra Pradesh |
References |
Topic 46 |
Initiation |
Objectives |
Functions in major areas |
Agriculture/Horticulture/Sericulture |
Home Science |
Common Activities |
References |
Topic 47 |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) |
Mandate |
Specific Objectives |
Activities |
References |
Topic 48 |
History |
Characteristics of NGO |
Role of NGO |
NGO and Voluntary Organization |
References |