4. Looper

4. Looper - Thalassodes flavifusata Wlk. (Geometridae : Lepidoptera)

    • The caterpillar feeds on tender foliage causing defoliation.
    • The female moth lays eggs in small groups on the edges of tender leaves.
    • A single female lays 20-30 eggs.
    • The egg period is 2-3 days.
    • The larva is greenish in colour measuring 3.8 cm long.
    • The larval period is 17¬18 days.
    • It pupates within rolled up leaves for 7-8 days.
    • Collect and destroy damaged leaves.
    • Use light trap at 1/ha to attract and kill adults.
    • Spray phaslone 2 ml/1 or malathion 50 EC 2 ml/1.

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 4:57 PM