1.Whitefly Bemesia tabaci Genu. (Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera)
- Both nymphs and adults feed on cell sap from leaves causing chlorotic sopts and yellowing and drying of leaves.
- Pre-mature defoliation, yellowing and sooty mould are typical symptoms.
- Adults are minute with yellow body covered with white waxy bloom.
- Stalked eggs are laid on the undersurface of leaves.
- EP: 3-5 days; NP: 9-14 days during summer, EP:5-33 days ; NP:17-33 days during winter. PP: 2-8 days. LC: 14-107 days.
- Avoid growing of brinjal in summer if the whitefly is a serious problem in that area.
- Adopt crop rotation using non-host like cereals which helps to reduce whitefly population.
- Remove alternative hosts and weed hosts.
- Use nitrogenous fertilizers judiciously to avoid excessive growth.
- Set up yellow sticky traps @ 12 per hectare to manage whitefly
- Avoid the usage of resurgence causing insecticides viz., pyrethriods, dimethoate, endosulfan, phosalone and monocrotophos.
- Use entomophopathogenic fungus, Paecilomyces farinosus.
- Spray fish oil rosin soap @ 1 kg in 40 litre of water + teepol.
- Spray dimethoate @ 1 0:1 or malathion 2 ml or methyl demeton 1 ml or triazophos 1.5 ml / litre of water.
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 5:24 PM