2. Grey weevil

2. Grey weevil - Myllocerus subfasciatus G.M., M.discolor Fab and M.viruidu Fab. (Curulionidae: Coleoptera.)

    • Adult weevil cause notching of leaf margins. Grub feeds on roots resulting wilting of plants.
    • M.Subfasciatus – Brownish weevil;
    • M.discolor – Brown with white spot on elytra; .
    • M.viridanus – Small light green weevil.
    • Collect & destruct the adult weevils
    • Apply carbofuran 3 G at 15 kg/hectare at 15 days after planting.
    • Dust lindane 1.3D at 25kg/ha to kill grubs.
    • Spray carbaryl 50WP at 2g/1 on plants.

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 5:21 PM