1. Thrips
1. Thrips - Thrips tabaci Lind. (Thripidae : Thysanoptera)
- The nymphs and adults which shelter between the leaf sheaths and stems lacerate the epidermis and suck the exuding sap.
- The affected leaves exhibit silvery which blotches leading to distortion, wilting and drying from tip down wards.
- The seedlings show retarded growth.
- The bulbs remain undersized and appear distorted in shape.
- It reproduces parthenogenetically.
- The adult female inserts the eggs into the tender leaves.
- The egg period is 10-15 days.
- The nymphs and adults are yellow in colour.
- The nymphal period is 4-6 days.
- It pupates in soil. The pupal period is 3 days.
- The pest undergoes 10 generation per year.
- Grow resistant varieties viz., White Persian, Grano, Sweet Spanish, and Crystal wax.
- Use neem coated urea which reduce the infestation of pest.
- Set up sky-blue colour sticky traps which attract more adults than yellow colour traps.
- Spray methyl demeton or dimethoate at 1 ml/litre or monocrotophos 1 ml/litre with teepol 0.5 ml/litre of water.
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 5:14 PM