1. White grub

1. White grub - Holotrichia insularis Brensk. (Melolonthidae: Coleoptera)

    • The grub feeds on rootlets causing withering and drying of young plants.
    • In case of severe, attack the entire seedling is killed.
    • The adult beetles feed on leaves causing severe defoliation.
    • The adult beetles are brownish black in colour.
    • The beetles emerge from the soil with the onset of monsoon during June-July.
    • It lays shiny white, oval shaped eggs in the soil. The egg period is 8-12 days.
    • The young grub feeds on roots of host plants the grown up grub is white, fleshy, 'C' shaped. The grub period is 55-80 days.
    • It pupates in earthern for 8-12 days.
    • It hibernates in pupal stage from November-June and later on emerges as adult.

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 6:09 PM