2. Anar butterfly
2. Anar butterfly - Virachola isocrates F. (Lycaenidae : Lepidoptera)
- The caterpillar bore into the developing fruits and feed on the pulp below the rind of infested fruits ultimately fall off and infested fruit which gives an offensive smell.
- The adult moth is brown butterfly.
- The female moth has' V ' shaped patch on fore wings.
- It lays shiny white, oval shaped eggs singly on developing fruits.
- The egg period is 7 -10 days.
- The larva is dirty dark brown, short and stoutly build covered with short hairs.
- The larval period is 18 - 47 days. It pupates insides the fruit.
- The pupal period ranges from 7-34 days.
- Collect and destroy the infested fruits.
- Spray NSKE 5% or neem oil 2% as oviposition deterrent, 2 to 3 times at 15 days interval commencing from flowering and during butterfly activity.
- Adopt ETL (5 eggs / plant with bearing capacity of 60 fruits).
- Release egg parasitoid, Trichogramma chilonis at 1 lakh / acre.
- Spray thiochloprit 2 ml/ litre of water.
- Ensure minimum waiting period of 10 days between the day of insecticide application and harvesting of fruits in the field.
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 6:01 PM