3. Aphid

3. Aphid - Aphis gossypii Glover. (Aphididae: Hemiptera)

    • It is a potential pest on cotton infesting tender shoots and under surface of the leaves.
    • They occur in large numbers suck the sap and cause stunted growth, gradual drying and result in death of the plants.
    • Development of black sooty mould due to the excretion of honey dew giving the plant a dark appearance.
    • Being a polyphagous pest, it is recoreded in brinjal, bhendi, chillies,guava and gingelly.
    • Curling and crinkling of leaves are typical symptoms.
    • Yellowish or greenish brown nymphs found on the under surface of leaves.
    • They are often attended by ants for the sweet honey dew secretion.
    • Winged forms may be seen under crowded conditions.

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 5:25 PM