Observation of motor and oral motor abilities of infants (birth to 6 months)


Module 2: Observation and Recording the Development of Infants (birth – 12 months)
in different Child Care Centers

Observation of motor and oral motor abilities of infants (birth to 6 months)

Note: Give tick mark to the suitable category for the following items

Sl. No Motor abilities Performed Emerging Not at emerged
1 Head bobs without support

2 Able to raise head from surface when lying on tummy

3 Takes hand to mouth

4 Eyes follow moving objects or person

5 Moves mouth to source of stimulation (nipple/breast)

6 Takes some weight on legs when held standing

7 Holds hands in a tight fist

8 Startle reflex when feels falling or during sleep

9 Grasp reflex strong

10 Rolls part way to side when lying on back

11 Turns head side to side

12 Hips bent with bottom in the air when on tummy (fetal position)

13 Takes toy to mouth

14 When held, sits with stable back and head

15 Grasps objects when placed in hand

16 Holds rattle for extended periods of time

17 Sits supported for short periods of time

18 Reaches for and holds objects

19 Stands firmly when held rotates head freely

20 Able to bear weight on forearms

21 Tucks chin to gaze at floor

22 Rolls from tummy to back, to side, by accident

23 Inspects own hands

24 Hands clasped together often

25 Hands partly open

Oral Motor abilities
1 Sucks well

2 Makes sucking sounds

3 Tongue moves up and down, in and out

4 Mouth opens for food

5 Tongue thrust when the spoon is withdrawn, food is spit out

6 Begins eating cereals, porridges, fruit pulp and juices

Observation of cognitive abilities of infants (birth to 6 months)

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 7:12 AM