Checklist to observe the cognitive development of infants (6-12 months)


Module 2: Observation and Recording the Development of Infants (birth – 12 months)
in different Child Care Centers

Checklist to observe the cognitive development of infants (6-12 months)

Child’s Name: Date of Birth:

Code for checklist skills:
1= We have observed the your child achieving this skill
2= Your child needed the help of a care giver to achieve this skill.
3= We have not observed your child achieving this skill.

Sl No Activities Code Remarks
1 Searches for objects

2 Imitates actions

3 Finds object after watching it disappear

4 Anticipates movement of objects in space (knows ball will go across room when thrown)
- will repeat an action to get some consequences (will hide over and over to get you to say "peek-a-boo")

5 Laughs at physical games

6 Recognizes names of familiar objects

7 tops activity when name is called

8 Participates in games with adult

9 Interacts with objects without mouthing or banging

10 Looks at pictures

11 Laughs aloud in play

12 Responds to name with a head turn, eyes, and smiles

13 Responds to verbal requests

14 Begins to understand the meaning of "no"

15 Begins to see relationships between complex actions and consequences (opening doors, putting lids on)

16 Functional use of toys (throws ball, pushes car)

17 Learns to do something after you show how (rock doll, bat balloon)

18 Performs an action to produce a result

19 Combines related objects (puts furniture in doll house, plays with animals together)

20 Finds hidden toys

21 Can begin putting pegs in holes

22 Enjoys cause-and-effect toys (jack-in-the-box, busy box, talking toys)

23 Plays catch

24 Looks at objects parents are looking at

25 Puts objects in containers and takes them out
examines objects held in hand

26 Plays interactive games (peek-a-boo)

27 Gives toys to others

28 Can find an object that is places under another object

29 Covers and uncovers face during peek-a-boo

30 Identifies two body parts on self

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 7:18 AM