News letter

News letter

Newsletter can be an effective, low cost way to reach readers. The content of or newsletter can be more localized and specialized than is possible with a general newspaper. The newsletter is well adapted to using local language and dialects. And a newsletter can include hand-written, type written or type-set copy. Duplication methods also can vary greatly.

A newsletter usually contains a large share of reset-to-visual than does a wall newspaper, but not necessarily. Page size is smaller than for newspapers, so space is often limited and brevity is vital. In fact, brevity is of the benefits that readers find in a newsletter. Newsletter writers try to get into each subject quickly and use short sentences and energetic words. The newsletter can be directed more selectively than newspapers. Extension personnel might publish their, own newsletter, or newsletters, or they often submit news to newsletters published by other organizations, such as co-operative, that reach readers of interest to extension.

Last modified: Thursday, 24 November 2011, 7:14 AM