Types of hay
The hay depending on the various ways of processing can be divided into the following categories.
Jungle hay
Sundried hay
Barn dried hay
Dehydrated fodders
Jungle hay and Sundried hay mostly refer to the field curing.
Barn refers to a simple roofed farm building for storing hay.
Hay is baled in the field and brought to the barn .
Driers are also used for dehydration.
Two types of driers are available
Low temperature driers, 80 to 180°C
High temperature driers, 300 to 600°C.
Reduce the cost of transportation to the drying site.
Drying time is reduced.
Loss of nutrients due to rains is avoided as the process is performed in a barn.
Loss of plant parts especially leaves is less to that of field curing.
High cost involved during erection of dehydration plant
High cost of processing if sufficient amount of forage is not available.
Operation skill is required, unskilled operation may lead to fire hazards.
Last modified: Monday, 1 August 2011, 6:49 AM