Principles of hay making
The principle involved in hay making is to reduce the water content of the herbage so that it can safely be stored in mass without undergoing fermentation or becoming mouldy.
This must be accomplished in such a manner that the hay is not leached by rain and that the loss of leaves is kept at a minimum.
Requisites of good quality hay
Good hay should be leafy. It has been found that leaves are richer in food value compared to other parts of the plant. The leaves are generally rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Loss of leaves in hay making would mean deterioration in feeding value of the ultimate product.
It should be prepared out of herbage, cut at a stage nearing maturity, preferably at the flowering stage when it has the maximum of nutrients. Delay in cutting would mean losses of a part of nutrients which would be used up by the plant in seed formation.
It should be green in colour. The green colour of leaves indicates the amount of carotene which is a precursor of vitamin A.
It should be soft and pliable.
It should be free from dust and moulds.
It should be free from weeds and stubbles.
It should have the smell and aroma characteristic of the crop.
The moisture percentage in hay should not exceed 15 percent.
Hay of average quality will usually have 25-30 per cent crude fibre and 45-60 percent TDN.
Hay is primarily feed to cattle, buffalo, horse, sheep and goat. Very little of hay of any kind is ever fed to swine.
Last modified: Monday, 1 August 2011, 6:49 AM