


Origin: Europe

  • General characteristics: male and female
  • Carriage: Nearly horizontal.
  • Type: Body moderately long, plump, deep and meaty. Keel not permissible. Paunch moderately deep, broad, single lobed. Breast plump and broad. Wings long with tips crossing over tail coverts, carried high neatly and smoothly folded. Tail short, closely folded, carried nearly level. Back slightly convex.
  • Two-thirds more length than breadth. Head: Fairly broad, refined, crown somewhat flat. Bill medium length stout and nearly straight. Eyes large and prominent.
    Neck: Medium in length, stout and carried upright.
  • Legs and feet: Lower thighs medium length, plump, nearly covered by ample thigh coverts. Shanks moderately long. Feet and toes straight and well webbed.


  • Plumage of both sexes: Solid coloured heads preferred but some specimens have white feathers around the base of the bill.
  • Neck upper dark grey, lower white. Back dark grey edged with grey-white from a point above the scapulars to near the base of the tail. Scapulars the same colour. This should suggest a heart shape.
  • Tail, wings, breast and body white except for a broad band of dark grey edged with near white beginning under the secondaries, just over the shanks and extending under the abdomen to the opposite wing (the latter is only found in some specimens).
  • In both sexes: Bill redish-pink or deep flesh colour. Shanks ans feet orange-red. Eyes blue.
Last modified: Monday, 7 May 2012, 5:29 AM