


Origin: Mediterranean

  • Another of the smaller type of goose, the Roman was introduced into England from Italy about 1903, and there were other importations at later dates.
  • Earliest arrivals often were marked with grey on the back, but were eliminated by selective matings for the pure white.

General characteristics: male and female

  • Carriage: Active, alert, with horizontal outline.
  • Type: Compact and plump, deep and broad, and well balanced. Back wide and flat. Breast full, well rounded, somewhat low and without keel. Wings long, strong, high-up and well tucked up to tail line. Stern well rounded off, paunch not too pronounced, dual lobed. Tail close, long and carried well out.
  • Head: Neat and well rounded symmetrical and refined. Face deep. Bill short and not coarse. Eyes bold, well up in skull.
  • Neck: Upright, medium length, refined (particularly in goose) and without gullet. Legs and feet: Legs short, light boned, well apart. Toes straight and connected by web.
  • Plumage: Sleek, short, tight and with glossy feathering.


  • Plumage of both sexes: Glossy white.
  • In both sexes: Bill orange-pink. Eyes light blue. Legs and webs orange-pink.


  • Gander: 5.45-6.35kg (12-14lb)
  • Goose: 4.35-5.35kg (10-12lb)
Last modified: Monday, 7 May 2012, 5:46 AM