


Origin: Eastern Europe

  • The Sebastopol is one of the most unusual of the breeds of domestic geese. The long frizzled or spiralled feathers on the breast and the loose fluffed plumage make the Sebastopol a unique and attractive breed.
  • The breed is primarily one for the exhibitor but the Sebastopol is a moderate egg-layer and a fast grower and thus has merit as a utility goose.

The Frizzle

  • Carriage: Horizontal.
  • Type: Body appears round because of the full feathering. Back of medium length but appears short because the long feathers give the body a rounded ball appearance. Breast full and deep, lacking keel. Wing feathers long, well curled and flexible. They make the bird incapable of flight because they are devoid of stiff shafts. Tail composed of long, well¬curled feathers.
  • Head: Neat head. Bill of medium length. Eyes large and prominent.
  • Neck: Medium length and carried rather upright instead of forward.
    Legs and feet: Lower thighs short but stout, each covered with curled feathers. Shanks short and stout.
    Plumage: Only feathers of head and upper neck smooth. Feathers on lower neck, breast and remainder of body profusely curled. Feathers of wings and back should be long (the longer the better), well curled and free from stiff shafts. Specimens of good stock and in good condition should display back and wing feathers that should almost touch the ground.

Colour: The white

  • Plumage of both sexes: Pure white in colour, though traces of grey in young females allowed.

The buff

  • Plumage of both sexes: Even buff colour interrupted by curled feathers.
  • The Smooth
  • Carriage: Horizontal
  • Type: Body comparatively short. Back wide and rounded, sloping gently from shoulders to the tail. Breast smooth, full and well rounded, without any keel. Paunch neat and smooth, dual lobed; not heavy or sagging. Tail short and held closed, carried horizontally or a little elevated.
  • Head: As the Frizzle.
  • Neck: As the Frizzle.
  • Legs and feet: Thighs short and strong. Shanks short and stout. Toes straight and connected by web.
  • Plumage: The feathers of the head, neck, breast, belly and paunch smooth. Feathers of the back, saddle, shoulders, wing bow and wing coverts are broad and extended in length; profuse, loosely curled and spiralled, falling over the wings and rump, often trailing along the ground.
  • Feathers covering the wing fronts and thighs broad and extended, loosely curled and falling to the ground.
  • The shafts of the primaries and secondaries are soft and flexible; the barbs of these feathers are `fluted' giving a slight wave to the edge of vane.
  • The tail is made up of unevenly set `fluted' feathers. The plumage to obscure the legs and feet from view.


  • As in the Frizzle.
  • In both colours and types
  • Bill and webs orange. Eyes bright blue
Last modified: Monday, 7 May 2012, 5:36 AM