


Origin: France

  • France originated the Toulouse and developed it for table purpose.
  • Stock was sent over to England and our breeders crossed the birds with our own English Greys, and devel¬oped the breed for body weight and quantity of flesh, as well as standard characteristics of plumage colour, markings and type.

General characteristics: male and female

  • Carriage: Thick set and somewhat horizontal, but not as upright in front as the Embden.
  • Type: Body long, broad and deep. Back slightly curved from the neck to the tail.Breast prominent, deep and full, the keel straight from stem to paunch, increasing in width to the stern and forming a straight underline. Shoulders broad. Wings large and strong. Tail somewhat short, carried high and well spread. Paunch and stern heavy and wide, with a full rising sweep to the tail.
  • Head: Strong and massive. Bill strong, fairly short and well set in a uniform sweep, or nearly so, from the point of the bill to the back of the skull. Eyes full.
  • Neck: Long and thick, the throat well gulleted. Legs and feet: Legs short. Shanks stout and strong boned. Straight toes connected by web.
  • Plumage: Full and somewhat soft.
  • Plumage of both sexes: Neck grey. Breast and keel rather light grey, shading darker to thighs. Back, wings and thighs grey, each feather laced with an almost white edging, the flights without white. Stern, paunch and tail white, the tail with broad band of grey across the centre.
  • In both sexes: Bill, legs and webs orange. Eyes dark brown or hazel.

The buff

  • Identical to the grey in shape but buff to replace the grey colour requirements.

The white

  • To be pure white in plumage otherwise identical to grey.


  • Gander: 11.79-13.60kg (20 – 30lb)
  • Goose: 9.07-10.88kg (20 – 24lb)
Last modified: Monday, 7 May 2012, 5:42 AM